I must admit the slow down of COVID-19 lock-down was a welcome break, albeit I was still working (grateful). However I didn’t have to tackle the morning commute – traffic or subway breakdowns. There was stillness in the air, a calm energy that was different. I could hear the birds chirping in the mornings – they were the main performance not relegated to the background of the…
Fall 1992. Detroit.
I was in my 3rd. year at the University of Windsor (after taking a year off) located in Windsor, Ontario, Canada; the border city to Detroit, Michigan.
I lived in a red brick duplex, a two bedroom converted into a three bedroom by making the supposed living room an additional bedroom – by adding a futon and a dresser – this was my room. It worked. I had two…
By Lisa Chin Quee
As October approached, I remembered it was Breast Cancer Month. It had me thinking about cancer. My curiosity about how donations were distributed and what was being done as it relates to prevention took root. I decided to do some research. Well, my question then turned into various answers and even more questions, which lead me to disappointment but then to what can be done…
By Lisa Chin Quee
Recent headlines dominating the newspapers, T.V news reports and social media are of those in Hollywood speaking up and confronting their sexual abusers.
As I read those headlines, in my mind and heart I commend those for finally being able to stand up, without fear of social ridicule, without fear of recriminations, without fear of not being believed, without fear of losing…
A little while back, I was thinking about stuff…you know just random thoughts, when Madge came to mind. How many of you remember Madge the manicurist, who soaked her client’s hands in Palmolive dishwashing liquid? That commercial ran for many years, and was on about the time I started as a preteen, to do my nails. I naturally, poured some dishwashing liquid into the plastic container, along…
By Lisa Chin Quee
What you are about to read is quite disturbing.
It involves child molestation and incest. Oprah did a special show with 200 men who were sexually molested as children, but that was after many years of covering similar shows on women who suffered the same fate. The leaders in the Catholic Church and other Christian denominations have been accused and convicted of these crimes…
A couple of weeks ago, a close male friend suggested we do a piece on pubic hair. Yes: pubic hair or lack thereof. Because there have been quiet discussions and lively debates between the boys on boys night; women with their hair stylists, BFFs, and over cosmopolitans. Also a week prior to his suggestion a female friend spoke of the vajazel she had tried on her vajayjay; that’s when you glam…