
Organic Grocery Stores in the GTA

I’ve compiled a list of stores that sell organic produce and products within the GTA – it is by no means a complete list of all the stores or options available but it is a good place to start. Organic foods are generally more expensive, however, as with anything else, you can find deals and the store that best fits your budget. Nature’s Emporium Established in 1993, the…
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Conundrum: Should I delete, throw out pictures of friends with men who have become their exes? I keep stuff.  

I’m sentimental. I save things – not in a pack rat kind of way – but things that have had significant meaning in my life. I have my report card on my performance as a seven-year-old, from St. Jago Cathedral Preparatory in Spanish Town, Jamaica that travelled with me to Scarborough, a suburb of  Toronto, Ontario, Canada in 1976; and have since, kept sequentially ordered,  the report…
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I Lost My Train of Thought - Again: Dementia or Hormones?

So, I had a frightening experience the other day. I was sitting in a small boardroom, gray walls, no windows except for a dark glass (two-way mirror) with about nine other strangers: 50 to 70 yrs. old. We were all corralled for a focus group to get our opinions and experiences, and in the middle of sharing my perspective in response to a particular question – my mind went blank.
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Organic Labels : Can We Trust Them?

Organic produce is better for us and on that I think most will agree.  What people differ on is whether they trust that a brand is authentically organic or just packaged with the same old pesticides but sold at the premium organic sale price. A healthy dose of skepticism is always good which is why you should always do your own research. In Canada there are different certification bodies that…
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Four Health Benefits of Owning Pets

By Nikki Shewmaker Animals are amazing creatures. They are intelligent, caring and helpful with obvious benefits to their human counterparts.  Owning a pet is a big responsibility and many people who are not avid animal lovers are not willing to take on the challenge. However, new studies show that there are added health benefits to owning a pet, causing many prospective pet owners both young and…
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A Summer Fling: My best ride yet

Each summer I choose a new activity or perhaps not new but something I haven’t done in a long time. One summer it was golf, the next it was rollerblading (I suck) and this year it is cycling. It isn’t that I’m cheating on my golf clubs (my game also sucks) or my rollerblades. But there are some things I get from my bike that I don’t from my golf game: adrenalin, the sweaty satisfaction of…
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