By Stephen de Wit
With this article I am planning on single-handedly dismantling the story lines of many a blockbuster movie and the plots of many books. The way to find the world’s best lover is…are you ready? By a show of hands who wants to find the world’s best lover? Yes, I am serious. Raise your hand. It’s you! That’s it! You found her!
For centuries women have gushed over…
Breasts! Also referred to as ta tas, love pillows, boobies, titties and melons, breasts are often at the forefront of sex play and are lovely, beautiful parts of the female body.
We hear a lot about breast health and the importance of checking them regularly as part of the breast cancer screening process and this message is of paramount importance, so please do be sure to check your breasts.
The life of a sexologist is an exciting one! I know –hard to believe, right? And among the many fun and interesting projects I contribute to on a daily basis, hosting workshops on sexual pleasure is one of my favourite parts of the job. I love the energy, anticipation and insightful questions participants bring to the session and I always learn something new from each group.
Many people wonder…
By Stephen de Wit
I hear it over and over. Why does my partner want to have a threesome with me and another woman? My answer is always I do not know what your partner’s motivation is, there could be a thousand different reasons. The important question to ask is what do you think about having sex with another woman (or man for that matter) and your partner and more importantly what is your…
What a great question! But the only person who can really provide an answer is you. If you feel ready, willing and prepared and have taken some time to consider how you feel, then you may very well be ready. If you feel unsure of your preparedness, then you should probably wait until you feel more comfortable.
I wish I could tell you that 5.6 dates or 904 minutes of dating-time means that you’re…
By Stephen de Wit
If you have read the Sex Negotiations – 101 article you are half way there. Now the second and for some people the most challenging part: How to communicate with your partner, well let me correct that, how to communicate well about sex with your partner. We are in a constant state of communication, through body language, silence, moans, grunts, screams, arguments and…
Should you tell your new love interest … the truth
We are a culture consumed by numbers. We just love to measure, count and quantify everything: money, cars, homes, dates, waistlines, trophies, Facebook friends, minutes, miles per gallon, calories. So it should come as no surprise that lovers are no exception.
While counting partners may seem like no big deal, the associated pressure and…
Let’s face it. Our bodies love to mess with us. And for men who lose their erection at an inopportune time, the stress and embarrassment can be overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be.
Every guy is going to have to deal with losing his erection at some point in time and you can rest assured that it has nothing to do with you. It’s not your body, your touch or your technique that is keeping…
Do you know what you really want?
Ladies your time has come – and men need your help. We are now in what I like to call the pleasure evolution. Sex can be an expression of deep love, commitment and passion for a single person. Or it can be an expression of independence, power and prowess as a woman towards multiple partners. Is one better than the other? I don’t know… you tell…
In a perfect world, you wouldn’t need to fake orgasms for your own sake or your partner’s. But the reality is almost all women have pretended to climax at some point and many of these performances have been Oscar-worthy. That’s right. Women are obviously skilled at faking the Big-O and their male partners are buying whatever they’re selling.
The recently published National Survey of Sexual…